Sunday, April 29, 2007


This is what I started with:

So Saturday I had the whole day to myself because hubby went to a concert in Chicago. I spent the day working on my flowerbed. Actually making a flowerbed. I loaded all of the 105 bricks that I would need to complete the project onto a cart and hauled them all home along with 10 bags of dirt. I spent about two hours working on the small wall and I think that they turned out great. I just had to go back to Lowe's to buy more dirt because I ran out. I also bought some flowers to put in the dirt. Lowe's had some flowers on clearance, which I am not sure why but heck they were cheap and they still looked good! I am however paying for the work that I did yesterday because I now ache all over. Oh well my yard looks good!

Here is what it now looks like:
I just need to paint the door and pull off the white plasticy pieces around the door. But I am not sure what to do with the grass that is next to the flowerbed on the right because the walkway is not in line with the garage door. Any suggestions?

Friday, April 27, 2007

Rain Rain Go Away

So the calendar says that we are in the season of spring but all that I have seen it do is rain. I am very sick of rain. It is supposed to be a wonderful weekend. I have so much that I want to do. I need to mow the grass and pick some weeds, but the big project is that I want raised flower beds on either side of my garage door. I have done all of the measurements and I need 110 stones to complete my new project. I figured it should be an easy project and I don't think that I can mess it up that badly. I just want more space to put my pretty flowers!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The End is in Sight!

Well my paper is finished early! How fun is that. I can honestly say that the worst is behind me. I just need to print out the dang thing, bind it, and also submit by email. Then come May 1st I am presenting it in my class and I am finsihed!! But this means next weekend I need to figure out what the heck needs to go on my "science fair" display poster. I think I will need lots of pictures :-)

Friday, April 20, 2007

No time for a cold

So I wake up Thursday morning with a sore throat and then it just multiplied from there. I fell asleep at 7:30 last night and slept on and off until my alarm went off at 5:30. I have felt like crap all day. I need to finish my grad paper that is due on Tuesday by 7 pm. I have a few more paragraphs to finish and an abstract to write and then I am finished!! Well all except for the poster presnentation that I have to present on May 1st. Then I can do a little dance.

On a side aunt and uncle are in Germany right now working with the government and my sister Laura wants to visit Germany this summer. My mom wants me to go with so she is not by herself and I said sure why not. Jay doesn't mind that he will be home for two weeks in July alone. So I am going to jump at the opportunity!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Let's see if this works

Welcome to the life of me. I am right now avoiding my research paper that is due in a week and a half. I have the discussion part of the paper to finish and have no motivation to even continue with the one sentence that I have started. Hey at least it is a start!