After lunch today one of the aides from a classroom in the building came to me to talk about what she had witnessed in another classroom. As the aide was sitting in the back of the room, there were four boys launching pencils from their desks during the lesson. One might think that the classroom teacher would notice pencils being launched. Nope she was completely oblivious to what was happening around her and just kept on teaching the lesson.
She and the other aide were talking later about what they had witnessed. The aide that is in the room all the time mentioned that the classroom teacher told her at the beginning of the year that she has tunnel vision. Is that an actual medical term and why in the heck are you in education?
So needless to say the aide was completely frustrated because she is not in there to discipline the students. This is also the same classroom teacher's room that I went into a couple of weeks ago to drop off homework to a sibling and the classroom teacher looks up at me and says in an irritated voice, "What are you doing here?" Gee that was such a warm welcome!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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