I am a frozen popsicle at the moment. When I arrived in my classroom this morning it was chilly. I thought once I had some heated bodies in the room, it would warm up a bit. Gee was I wrong. I am so glad that I brought my sweater this morning. However my fingers and nose were freezing, there is nothing that can help me warm back up.
The principal got on the intercom this afternoon telling the students to bring their sweaters and sweatshirts (uniform of course) tomorrow because the boilers were broken. From the news in the grapevine, apparently the boilers have been broken for quite awhile and it is going to cost a chunk of change that a Catholic school really cannot swing. I can see why the school hasn't fixed the problem already. As if 40 degrees in the morning isn't reason enough to fix it.
The worse thing is that my room is right next to the playground doors. So I have three outside walls and I just freeze anyway. This is not helping the situation. I am really contemplating about bringing in my space heater on Wednesday because the students leave at 10:50 and I am working on everything that I can so I can breeze out of school on Thursday at 11:00. However I do not want to be a frozen popsicle on Wednesday afternoon.
I even left earlier than usual today because I just feel lousy. My ear is hurting again and my throat is sore. I just feel another cold coming on or my sinus' are just insane.
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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