I feel like a monkey who has been swinging all over the place lately. This is the final week of school and I have so much running through my mind, it is a wonder that I can even sleep. Plus on top of closing down my end of the year stuff, my modem died last night and I have been unable to connect to the Internet.
The Internet this week is my friend because I am furiously trying to upload pics to Walgreens so I can get them to school, making photo collages for the students to place in their end of the year booklets, and trying to finish our School Improvement Plan.
So this was not the best week for it to go out. I called ATT and they told me my warrarety had expired two years ago and I have to call another number (their ATT store) to find out how much a new modem was and there was the possibilty that a local store had the modem. So I frantically called the place and low and behold Best Buy carried them.
So I rush out to Best Buy and viola here I am at 10 o'clock at night finishing report card comments, three pages for the pic collage, and blogging. I'm sure my time is better spent elsewhere, but I needed a mental break.
Well I think I am finally satisfied with the pic collage, now I just need to save and print it out at school. Because there is no way I am printing 13 copies times 3. I'm not that rich to afford that much colored ink. Plus anyway the ink dries up at school if we leave it sit for two months. So I am doing the responsible thing! I just need to get to school early in the morning, so nobody finds out! :D
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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