I have been anticipating the Old to Gold sale at Notre Dame since the beginning of May. Basically this is a garage sale held at ND stadium of all the things left behind or donated by the students at the end of the year. The proceeds then go to local charities. It is a win-win situation! I think this is the third year that the sale has happened. Believe me there are some great deals if you can get them.
The sale starts at 7 AM and goes until 11 AM. However if you want to be one of the early birds you have to pay $5 to get in between 7 and 9. The past two years I have gone it has always been around 8:00. This year I was determined to get there earlier than normal. What a mistake that was! The line wrapped all the way around the football stadium! It was almost beginning to loop around to the front of the builiding again. So I was in line before 7, I just didn't get into the stadium until 7:30.
I made a beeline to the books. This is the main reason why I am crazy enough to do this sort of thing. I find the books that the students left behind and then try to sell them on Amazon. The first year I made about $150, last year was a crappy year and I don't even think I broke one hundred.
I did my best to sort through what was there as fast as I could because this other guy had the same intentions that I did. However he had one of those carts that you get at Sam's Club that you can stack many things upon. He had at least 5 piles already on his cart. I walked away with 12 books costing me a total of $6.50. What a bargain!
So after coming home after work today and uploading the books, I have found that I made really wise choices this year! If I can sell all of the books for the prices that I listed them for I can stand to make around $250. Not bad for $6.50 worth of books and an hour worth of my time!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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