Hubby called me up and left a voicemail around 2:30 today telling me that the principal from St. Matt's called and would like to meet with me. Unfornately, I did not check my phone until around 3:30 because I was in a conference. However I got the number and phoned St. Matt's and got no answer. When I came home and listened to the message, she said I could call her or write e-mail her. So I just now typed off an e-mail.
Since Thursday's are my crappy days I have no time to call her. My secretary suggested I call her at 7:45ish in the morning. But I think they start school at 7:50 or some odd time. So I figured e-mail would be the quickest way. I told her that I would be able to meet with her on Tuesday afternoon because I have a sub the entire day because of the ISTEP workshop I have to go to in the morning. Plus I took the afternoon off because it makes no sense for me to drive to Plymouth for about three hours and then turn around and come home when gas is 3.75 a gallon! So I took a personal day in the afternoon. So lets home she can get together then.
Then again I shouldn't get my hopes up too high. Uggh, I hate the interviewing process.
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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