My brain is jumping from one subject to another, I figured I might as well share because it seems as if I cannot keep things straight at the moment:
~I set a date for the spa party...June 27 and I come to find out that we also get a limo ride to and from the spa!
~I have made the reservations for the hotel room for San Antonio in July. My cousin James assured me that the site between the hotel and the reception were literally like two parking lots away....better for the drunks to stagger back ;D
~I finished my book called Firefly Lane. I started last week and somehow I laid around all weekend and read, read, and read! I just finished it last night and cried buckets!
~While wandering Walmart tonight, waiting for prescriptions to be filled, I found out that a slice of carrot cake has 720 calories. I put that sucker back on the shelf and opted for the lower calorie slice of cheesecake! :D
~My sister has informed me that when school is out we are doing yoga at 10 am at the Fitness here on my side of town. Lucky me!
~I am in desperate need of a haircut. I really would like to go short with layers and I am toying with the idea of dying it a light brown. But I know I would never go ahead with a color change...too chicken although hubby would LOVE it!
~Rosie's kitties left us on Saturday and Sunday of last week. So I now officially have the orginal foursome!
~I have to go to a meeting for ISTEP next Tuesday...I love it when the principal throws things at you at the last minute and Tuesdays are my good days, why couldn't it be a Thursday when I have the little angels up until 2:30 and then they leave me for computer for 20 minutes. Blah!
~Speaking of principals, mine had me sign an intent to transfer form today. I haven't heard anything from the other school yet and she is having me sign things. She assured me that she was not trying to push me out the door because she would rather keep me. She also told me she called the other principal today, and that principal has not yet gotten around to calling people. But the principal told my princiapl that a former parent has talked to her about me since they are at St. Matt's now. So it sounds promising!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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