So last Thursday I had a student out on the playground put two rocks in his hat and then start to swing his hat towards a group of girls. Needless to say he did not succeed in hitting anyone because the other third grade teacher got to him before he could swing no more. She took it to the assistant principal and then she talked with the parent after school and was going to go to the principal for what punishment he should receive. Well we had no school on Friday and then the parent came and talked to the principal yesterday and I have no idea where it went from there. Anywho I was talking with the third grade teacher today and she mentions that the parent called her at home last Thursday evening and asking her if she actually saw her son hit anyone and how big the rocks were! Excuse me does it matter how big the rocks where if he was trying to hurt someone? It just seems with students today they do no wrong and no parent can admit that their children will make mistakes. I know I don't have kids, but I am around enough of them to know that they are kids and that they will make mistakes. They are children, that is what they do, that is how they will learn. If they don't learn it what the heck will happen when they become an adult? It is a scary thing to think about!
So this same child today along with two others found out that one of my girl students hurt and bruised her toe really bad. So what do they do...they decide to chase her around trying to step on her bad toe during recess Then they succeed in her falling to the floor in which I guess they start stepping on her toe some more. So I had to write 3 letters to parents explaining what their child did and what discipline action was taken. So I expect some phone calls tomorrow or nasty letters asking if I actually saw it happen. Gee this is the part I LOVE about being a teacher!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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