The weather for the past weekend has been down in the single digits and it is kinda yucky with the wind chills. This means that the students have been cooped up inside for who knows how long. Because of that fact, I get stuck with students who have the attention of a flea and want nothing to do with schoolwork. I had one student today out of 12 that was ready to work. I felt so bad for her because all I kept saying all day was be quiet, sit down, take out your______ workbook for the 100th time to the rest of the 11 students. These students need to get outside and burn off some of that energy. Then another teacher complained to me about a student who was not listening and backtalking her after school. Gee welcome to my classroom today. I had to burn off the frustration with a good workout. So an hour and a half I spent at the gym tonight switching between the elliptical, the treadmill, and doing crunches. Needless to say I am tired and ready to curl up with my book and pray for a better day tomorrow. :D
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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