Talk about a short week, but lets jam pack everything into it! Tomorrow is Turkey day at school. This is when the room moms prepare a Thanksgiving Feast for the entire school. Yup all 231 of us stuffed into the cafeteria and dressed the part. This is something that I really enjoy at this school. The students are responsible for preparing some aspect of the meal. My third graders are in charge of the stuffing. Needless to say after seeing how it is made I really don't think I will be having stuffing this year. My students pulled apart loaves of bread on Friday into tiny pieces so the pieces can then air dry. I got some really cute pictures of them, but then again I am not eating the stuffing I know what they do with their hands all day. Then tomorrow the room mom can cut up the onion and celery because I am not letting 8 and 9 year old near knives!
I am hoping that tomorrow will not be a fog delay because it was getting foggy tonight. Normally I would love a fog delay but we still need to make our pilgrim hat's! Hopefully I can figure it out. I just need to arrive at school tomorrow early enough to run the pattern onto stiffer paper so the hats will actually stay somewhat firm.
Oh and if the Thanksgiving Feast isn't enough, we are also in charge of Thanksgiving basket for a family from the community. My class has a single parent with two kids. Normally I don't fret about the basket because I have had older kids who took on more responsibilty. Now that I have the younger ones it is kinda up to the parents. Let's just say some don't understand the directions of bringing cold items on Wednesday because we don't have the fridge space or one little thing of cheese is going to help this family out. So I am off to drop off a perscription, work out, and then swing by Martins to pick up a turkey for the basket and other goodies. My fellow teacher from last year has told me that it is the students service project, I also consider it my service project also. I just love buying food to make other people feel better!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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