We got a brand new copier at school about a month ago. This thing is the queen of copiers. It does everything but cook me lunch! The most exciting thing is that we can now print directly from our computers to this beast. Oh and did I mention somehow I got put in charge of this beast. So if someone wants to know how it works or run transperancies they come to me. So I have been playing around quite a bit on this thing. But tonight I found the greatest thing on it! Before we thought we could only print single sided copies from the computer to the copier because we didn't know if we could get the double-sided feature to work from the laptop. Well low and behold I found the button and I was EXCITED plus I can have the copier staple it from my computer! Too bad no one was around for me to tell. I can't wait to go into school tomorrow and tell the tech person what I discovered. I think I am truly a dork!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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