I really should say that I have been busy with things but that is a total lie. I still have school things that I need to finish for St. Mike's and no motivation to get it done. It includes writing out what I taught for 6th Math and SS since December. I fell behind at school and it is one of those things that you don't think of until everything else that needs to be fnished. So my lesson plan book is sitting in front of me screaming get me DONE!
I also found out that spinning is not the class for me. Not because my legs hurt but because my butt was sore for two days. I have forgotten what it feels like to be on a bike seat for an extended period of time. So I need to come up with another game plan!
I have been wanting to paint the inside of my porch because after putting up plastic to keep the winter chills out and taking it down in the spring it has taken the paint right off of the wall. So I have slowly been working on finishing actually more like starting. I decided to make the windows pop and added blue paint accenting the windows. I think it looks neat and reminds me of the sky however I have four windows done and six more to go with no ambition to finish. I also need to go back and touch up the four that are finished and maybe add a brown accent also around the window. We will see. I need to stop watching HGTV.
I did however go to Shipshewana today...aka the huge outdoor flea market. My parents are going tomorrow I opted to go today because the weather is supposed to be crappy tomorrow. So I laced up my walking shoes and walked the entire flea market which took about 3 hours to browse around at all of the goodies. I found some $2 shirts for Jay for work. I also found some cute little decorating things to put around the house and I also got some cheap baking supplies that are of great quality. Go me!!! However since I have gotten home I now realize what else I could have picked up to decorate the house...so I think I am going to ask my parents to pick up a couple items tomorrow while they are there. Jay claims that there will be no more place to walk in our house because it is going to be full to the rim. I told him I will not over decorate but when we do eventually move....watch out!!!
I also leave for Germany in a week and two days. I'm getting excited! Laura and I have also booked our side trip to Rome. Yah!!! We arrive in Rome on a Monday night and have Tuesday and Wednesday to putz around the city and we leave on a Thursday to go back to Germany and finish the remainder of our trip. However I have not even thought about what I need to bring or what needs to be done so Jay will survive without me for 12 days. I figure I have next week to worry about that and pay bills that are due while I am away.
Thank you to everyone that wished me happy birthday. My family and I went out to dinner in Culver at the Edgewater Grill because I had a student give me a very generous gift card for Christmas and I figured I might as well as treat because it is probably somewhere we would never go to and so we drove about 50 minutes to have dinner on Saturday night. The food was good and I ran into a teacher buddy at the resturant and she was celebrating her 20th wedding anniversary. It was her first time eating there also...it really is a small world.
I really need to get the recycling ready for pick-up. I have boxes in the basement from January from Jay's weight bench that need to be broken down. Now might be the time to get it done. So I am off. More fun for me!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
I'm so excited about your trip. We have over 600 pictures from Italy that I still haven't done anything with...too overwhelming to even start. If I don't see you have a super time and I can't wait to hear about it.
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