It is hard to believe that January is already halfway over. I consider this a good thing because it means that I am closer to ending my first trimester. Yuppers I am preggars. :)
I'm sure that most everyone knows because of who we saw at Christmas, but I guess this is the first time I have actually written out that I am. According to my doctor I am due on August 22. So it means that I have about a month and a couple weeks to fit into my bridesmaid dress for Rosie's wedding in October. I have yet to order my dress.
Today marks my 9th week, that means that I hopefully only have 3 more weeks left of this fantastic first trimester. However I consider it anything but fantastic. I get to spend every day being nauseated and have a hard time keeping down my breakfast and lunch. It is amazing that I have made it through teaching without having to run out of the room to throw up. Although I am waiting for the day that it actually happens. I just tend to prop myself up someplace in the room and teach from there.
I have yet to tell my students, but the entire school staff knows. So I am debating on when to tell my students.
I was given nausea pills from my doctor and was told to take two before bed and one in the morning. So far I have taken one pill at night and it completely knocks me out. So needless to say I am not taking the recommended dosage. However when I wake up in the morning I do feel somewhat like I can function through the day. Although my mom would rather I not take any at all. At this point I really would like to fbe able to somewhat function.
So these last few weeks of the first trimester should be interesting. I have my next appointment on the 28th and was told I will be given an ultrasound and should be able to hear a heartbeat. How exciting! :)
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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