I had an old teaching friend call me up the other day wondering if I wanted to go bike riding at the Apple Festival in Nappanee on Saturday. She told me that her husband was unable to go because he had to work and she had really wanted to go. She mentioned that there was a 16 mile route and a 30 mile route. I told her I was up for either.
I don't know what in the heck I was thinking! I haven't ridden my bike in over a year. So we set out for the 30 mile route today. Gee was I stupid. Within the first half hour my legs were starting to hurt, but I kept pedaling. About 10 miles into the ride, I figured out that I have been on the highest resistance gear possible. stupid, stupid, stupid :)
We rested quite a bit for my sake and even took a short cut. The funny thing was that while on the shortcut we meet another rider and he is looking and talking to my friend. Then he said that he knew her. So here we are in the middle of a cornfield and they figure out that they went to school together at Washington. It really is a small world!
So after 13.2 miles we stop at the first SAG stop at an Amish house. Which I have no idea what SAG means, but they have some treats and I am more than happy to stop. My friend decided that I should stay while she finishes up the rest of the ride. I had no problem with that.
So I rested, while other riders were coming in and getting refueled. Some riders were even talking about the ride that is happening on Sunday and it is a 70 mile one. What the heck people!?!
Also while I was resting the Amish couple that was providing the treats had three small children playing outside. The one youngest daughter brought her chair and sat it right next to mine and she was bringing me treats and climbed on my lap and enjoyed her juice. She was a cutie!
So my friend gets me after an hour and she informs me that she checked off my name at the finish line so that people don't go looking for me. :) Also she mentioned that there was Amish homemade ice cream and apple pie at the finish line and that the organizers of the ride told her that I was more than welcomed to come and enjoy some pie. They even sent her with Apple Butter for me! I declined going back for the pie and ice cream.
Even though I am beyond sore tonight and probably will have a tough time of walking tomorrow, I really enjoyed my bike ride and catching up with an old friend. My husband thinks that I am nuts for biking that long of a distance. I probably am, but I enjoyed myself. That is what I will keep telling myself tomorrow! :)
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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