I was aged just a bit this week when it was announced that one of my former students is being sent off to Iraq this week. Talk about feeling old. This student was in the sixth grade being of the first class that I ever taught back in 2002.
While that particular class is finishing up their senior years this month and getting ready to graduate, he is being sent off to the desert. His mother home schooled him for high school and it doesn't help that mom isn't all there. Although I am sure that he signed up for the army as soon as he turned 18 and left his house.
In the three years that I taught social studies to him, he was always engrossed in what wars there were and the kind fighting techniques that were used. Needless to say, he is probably loving the fact that he did get shipped out. Although I am sending prayers his way to keep him safe. :)
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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