The school had a visit from the state Fire Marshall last week and we were updated about fire codes.
We were told at our meeting yesterday that we must keep our classroom doors closed at all times because they are fire doors and apparently fire cannot make their way through them. So I am guessing that the hallway doors must be closed too? Does that mean that we are going to whack a few unsuspecting students?
We have also been told that our bulletin boards must NOT have any paper backing and that only 20% of the board can be filled.
Excuse me but what in the heck am I supposed to do with my calendar and message center? "Sorry kids, we cannot learn the calendar because it takes up more than 20% of the bulletin board." Also my bulletin boards are over 50 years old and they are not the prettiest things in the world, so paper backing is a must.
As for displaying student work out in the hall, I guess I can forget that too because having 16 students would definitely cover up more than 20% of the board.
If there is a fire, do you think that 20% of a bulletin board is going matter in the long run? I swear that some people have nothing better to do.
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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