I am sitting around the house this morning because of a two hour delay. I normally would go back to bed but I fell asleep at 8:30 last night. So I am well rested. I came across these funnies called You know you're a teacher when....
- You can make up games on the spot.
- You realize there are never enough pencils/glue sticks/scissors in the world.
- You see a child misbehaving in the supermarket you automatically give them "the look".
- You have perfected "the look" which turns any child to stone.
- A social life was a thing you used to have.
- You know the life story of every single child in your class, and can recognize them all from the back of their head.
- You dread notes from parents.
- The word OBSERVATION sends blind panic through your system.
- Weekends are spent planning for next week.
- You can't remember the last time you blow dried or straightened your hair.
- You can maintain a straight face in ANY situation.
- Stupid names of children in your class become the norm to you. Also, you realize some names you will never name your own children, due to experiences with children who have that name!
- The staffroom is your sanctuary.
- Packed lunches are a part of daily life.
- You want to choke a person when they say "Oh, you must have such FUN everyday. This must be like playtime for you."
- You know what all the "must haves" for children are right now.
- You can sense misbehaviour without actually seeing it.
- You don't know whether to laugh or cry when someone says "Teaching? That's an 8-3 job! You're so lucky!"
- You say things once, then repeat them, then ask if everyone understands what you are saying, before repeating again.
- You know at least 5 different methods of doing multiplication (not including a calculator)
- You secretly love it when a child in your class has a birthday - treats!
- You get fed up with different news reports everyday from politicians telling you how to do your job - why don't they spend a day in a school for a change?
- You find yourself using cliche teacher phrases that you swore to yourself you would never use - e.g. "pens down, arms folded, eyes front." "I'm sorry Reece, you clearly have something more important to say/be doing than concentrating on my lesson" "tuck your shirt in"
- You don't bother telling people anything about your job as they never seem to fully understand the stress...(sigh)
- You count down the days till half-terms, holidays, weekends knowing that without them you would be headed for a nervous breakdown.
- You have more control over/respect from children than their parents.
- When you meet someone else who is a teacher, you have an immediate bond.
- You loathe children who finish their work quickly!
- There are headache tablets in your desk drawer.
- Stickers are still a form of excitement for you (especially scratch n sniff ones!)
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