I have sluffed off most of my grading this past week because I have felt like crap. Now that I am starting to feel a little better, I thought I would be productive this weekend.
I graded papers last night while we were watching a movie and I entered in the grades in my grade book. (I know a very exciting Saturday night!) Progress reports are supposed to go home this week. This is what is causing me problems.
We got a new grading system at school that allows us to enter the grades in any computer hooked to the Internet. So this allows me to be at home and enter in my grades.
Well we just got the program up and running last week. We really have no clue what we are doing. That being said, I log into the program this morning and I am able to move around to the different subjects that I teach. However when I start to enter in assignments, the assignments cannot be saved because it says "system error contact your administrator". ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!
I doubt that Linda would like me to call her up at 9:30 on a Sunday morning to tell her the grade book is not working. I guess that means I get to put in long hours Monday and Tuesday, so that my grades can be finished for Wednesday.
Sometimes technology can be a curse. So much for being productive today. I guess I will go read.
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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