The Indiana State Fair was fun, Daughtry was great!! I had my first corndog, and I can say that I enjoyed it if I put enough ketchup on it. I know 28 years on this planet and I have never had a corndog. I must have been living under a rock, but I can now take that off of my list. :)
We had great tickets, we could see everything. Rosie wanted to be on the track but you cannot argue with free tickets from the state police officer we know! Virgin Millionaires opened the concert. They are a local band from Indy. The only thing that I can say about them was that they were really LOUD. I don't even think Daughtry was that loud, but then again I could have been hearing impaired by that point.
Daughtry played from his current CD and some new songs that he is working on. They are going back into the recording studio in September to compose a new CD. He played for about 85 minutes. All in all it was a great show.
I would go back again if I could. I tried to convince Rosie to leave me there for Backstreet Boys tonight, but alas I have school tomorrow with students. Goodbye summer, see you next year.
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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