Nope I'm not going to England, but my sister Rosie should be on her way. The technical word is "should" because they should have been on their way yesterday. She is going to England with her friend, whose husband is stationed for the next three years in England. Rosie was helping her friend out with the baby. All Rosie had to do was pay the sales tax on the tickets because her friend's sister is a flight attendant and I guess that is how the tickets work.
Anyway back to England. Rosie was supposed to leave at 6:30 Chicago time and arrive in England at 8 AM their time. Well they were on the plane and they were going down the runway, the wheels and the nose of the airplane lifted up off the ground and then the pilot steered it back to the ground. The plane was having technical difficulties.
So they taxied back to the gate and hauled everyone off the plane and said sorry folks were not leaving tonight. The plane needs to be fixed. So here is a hotel room come back in the morning and maybe we will leave tomorrow.
Needless to say Rosie is not pleased because on every flight she ever tries to get on it is always delayed for an enormous amount of time. (My dad mentioned to me that he is sticking Rosie on a different plane for San Antonio because of her luck with flights!) She told my dad that if she does not leave off of the ground today (4 PM) she is renting a car and coming back home.
I am guessing that she is on her way because I haven't heard anything.
Say hello for me to jolly ol' England Rosie because I have a feeling Rosie is not going to be jolly! :)
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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