Happy official day of spring! Only the sad part is that they are calling for 3-6 inches of snow tomorrow! At least today was a beautiful day.
The students were very well behaved for being the last day of school until March 31. We were not too productive, however the students were mentally exhuasted and I am sick of grading papers. I had them coloring and they were silent. Gee that never happens! They actually asked me if they could read all day. As appealling as that sounded, I did have them do a few papers of review concepts.
We also celebrated a birthday with cool cupcakes that a parent brought in. I wish I had had my camera because they were really cool. All of the cupcakes were swished together and then a layer of blue frosting was placed over all of them. Then it was decorated to look like the ocean. There were m & m's for the bottom rocks, gummy fish and sea creatures, and green plants. So cool!
So now that I am officially on spring break, I plan on catching up on my reading. I have to figure out how to make a peanut butter pie for Easter dinner on Sunday (if anyone has a good one let me know). I plan to be productive and I hope to accomplish cleaning out the closets and putting a decent closet system in, finishing the basement steps, and (keep your fingers crossed) paint the basement to make sure that the basement is not leaking in any new spots or the EverDry Basement people are going to get a call!
Oh the joys of spring cleaning!
How To Propagate Succulents
5 days ago
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