We were talking about adjectives today and this is what one of my students came up with:
I thought it was creative, but a little too large for a bookmark!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Acrostic Poem
Posted by Jenny at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: school
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Rosie's house is almost finished. The plumber is coming this week to blow out the lines in the house because nothing is going down the drains. The gas guy is coming to install the gas line for the stove and the dryer. Then it is pretty much finished. I told Rosie that she doesn't need the back splash finished right away and we can finish that when she is living there. So here are the latest pics....
Rosie's completed bedroom...I just love the rug!
Dad and Rosie hanging blinds, I think Josh approves!
The almost completed living room.
The kitchen without the completed back splash.
Mom finishing up last minute trim in the kitchen, look at the floor underneath her...I finished it up! (Well Josh technically nailed in the last finishing piece.)
Look Dad does know how to read the instructions!
The closet doors are hung!
Posted by Jenny at 8:45 PM 1 comments
Labels: remodel
Friday, March 28, 2008
What do you mean it is Friday?
Somehow it has managed to become Friday. Which means that it is the last day of my spring break, because the weekend really doesn't count. I have managed to accomplish next to nothing.
I did however manage to clean out closets. I took two huge bags to Goodwill, when I asked hubby to give me the items he no longer wants he comes back with one shirt. What?! When I told my mother-in-law this she laughed because she said he has a hard time giving up clothing. When they cleaned out his room after we got married he had clothes in his closet from when he was a teenager. I just laughed.
I did manage to work out on Monday and that was about it. I believe I pulled something in my neck from doing sit-ups. So since Tuesday I have had neck pain. It feels a little better today. I have also had stupid headaches everyday, that I believe are related to the neck pull and the fact that my sinus's are going haywire. Yuck!
I also cleaned up the yard from all of the dead leaves from November because I think that is when my tree finally dropped its leaves and then it snowed right away and hasn't stopped. I actually have lots of bulbs coming up in the front yard!
Yesterday I did absolutly nothing but watch movies all day. Something I haven't done in who knows how long. I saw The Kite Runner, Atonement, and Becoming Jane. I actually liked all three. Although the book is a heck of a lot better for The Kite Runner, but it usually always is!
So today I plan to go to the Elkhart Farmers Market with my mom because my dad wants the jumbo jelly beans. I am also thinking about making Snickerdoodles because it is something I haven't made in awhile. Plus I think that work would really enjoy them tomorrow morning!
Posted by Jenny at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: randomness
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Well that's nice
Remember the post about how HD-DVD machines are not being made anymore and everything is going to Blu-Ray. Well while I was deleting e-mail this morning and I found one from Best Buy. I open it up and they go through the rambling of Toshiba is not making the HD-DVD anymore and the major studios are not releasing anything new on HD-DVD....blah, blah, blah. Somewhere in the middle they say that for our troubles they are sending us a gift card from Best Buy because they want us to have the new technology. Hey I'll take a gift card, although it doesn't say how much it will be, but any amount will be nice. Maybe my faith is getting restored back in Best Buy.
Posted by Jenny at 8:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: technology
Monday, March 24, 2008
So I am happily stolling around Target after working out this morning, and I leave my cart out of the way of the other shoppers and look around at the Easter goodies that are 50% off. I go down an aisle to look at more half priced Easter goodies and I come back and my cart is gone! Some person took everything out of my cart and placed everything on the nearby shelf. Grrr!
Posted by Jenny at 12:23 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
I wish everyone a happy Easter! I found some old pics that reflect Easter's past! I'm sure my sisters are going to LOVE me!
Posted by Jenny at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: holidays
Saturday, March 22, 2008
I wish...
I was here:
When I was in Belize touring the Mayan Ruins, rather than here:
Welcome to spring break!
Posted by Jenny at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: weather
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Happy Spring!
Happy official day of spring! Only the sad part is that they are calling for 3-6 inches of snow tomorrow! At least today was a beautiful day.
The students were very well behaved for being the last day of school until March 31. We were not too productive, however the students were mentally exhuasted and I am sick of grading papers. I had them coloring and they were silent. Gee that never happens! They actually asked me if they could read all day. As appealling as that sounded, I did have them do a few papers of review concepts.
We also celebrated a birthday with cool cupcakes that a parent brought in. I wish I had had my camera because they were really cool. All of the cupcakes were swished together and then a layer of blue frosting was placed over all of them. Then it was decorated to look like the ocean. There were m & m's for the bottom rocks, gummy fish and sea creatures, and green plants. So cool!
So now that I am officially on spring break, I plan on catching up on my reading. I have to figure out how to make a peanut butter pie for Easter dinner on Sunday (if anyone has a good one let me know). I plan to be productive and I hope to accomplish cleaning out the closets and putting a decent closet system in, finishing the basement steps, and (keep your fingers crossed) paint the basement to make sure that the basement is not leaking in any new spots or the EverDry Basement people are going to get a call!
Oh the joys of spring cleaning!
Posted by Jenny at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Yup I'm stylin' and I bet everyone is jealous! One of my students asked me to hold out my arm today and this is what she places on my arm. Isn't it cute! I can remember making these when I was her age. Does that make me old?
Posted by Jenny at 5:28 PM 0 comments
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
~An Irish Blessing to You!~
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back,
The sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
Posted by Jenny at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Held hostage
Yup I'm being held hostage by my hubby's huge car. Last night he placed his car in the back driveway because we had my parents and mom-in-law over last night for homemade pizza. He was being thoughtful and wanted people to have a place to park. Well he forgot to move his car back to the front last night, so as a result it is still in the back drive. Which is bad because I refuse to get in the car because frankly it just scares me. I mean look how big it is!
He loves the large boat size cars and refuses to get a cute little one. He only drives 2 miles to work and as a result fills up his tank every 3 weeks. Because we take my car everywhere else. So until he gets out of the shower, I am stuck here at home.
So I am here at home comparing printers online. Our current printer is an Epson C86. I love the printer, but I am afraid that the poor thing is on its way out because I cannot get the streaks to clear themselves up. So I refuse to buy a new cartridge for it.
So at the present time anything that I need to print I take to school. However since we got our tax refund, I can go out and splurge on a new printer. So I am looking at a Canon multi function that prints, scans, and copies. From the reviews that I have read, people are very pleased with it and it rates higher than the Epson all-in-one. Plus I think the ink is cheaper. So that is a plus!
The only bad thing is that they do not have it in stock at Circuit City here on the southside of town so that means I have to go to Grape Road. Errg! However I do need a new pair of tennis shoes and I saw some on sale at Shoe Carnival (also on Grape Road.) So I guess I am headed out that way when the big boat moves!
Posted by Jenny at 1:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: randomness
Friday, March 14, 2008
Finally the week is over!
I am so glad to have this week behind me. It was report card week. Also known as the week that tortures me. I feel that I have been working nonstop since last week and this weekend is a breathe of fresh air! I am making my very yummy homemade pizza for my family this weekend. I am also in the mood to bake sugar cookies and frost them green for St. Patrick's Day. Not that I need them because I have been good and have gone to my kickboxing class two times this week and then I am off later to do some cardio machine at the gym and read my book The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.
It also helps that the sun has been shining for five straight days and the weather has been gorgeous. I cannont wait until my bulbs are blooming and the trees are popping! Hurrah for spring!
Oh did I mention that only four days next week and then spring break! What scares me is that when we get back there will only be about 8 weeks left of the school year. Eek! Where has the time gone!!
Posted by Jenny at 5:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
House Updates
Rosie's house is coming along nicely. The insulation was put in last week, a dry wall person is coming by this week to finish the attic and then he will finish the hardwood floors. We spent yesterday doing odds and ends. The bathroom looks awesome. Rosie and Tony cleared out the rooms for the floor refinsher guy. I just kinda bummed around helping dad with the bathroom faucet and moving some things. I was very productive! :) Hopefully in two to three weeks she will be moving in and her kitties will be moving out! Here are some pics:
Mom trying to figure out how to place the last little piece of trim.
Dad trying to figure out why the whirlpool tub was not working.
Rosie and Tony hanging blinds up.
Posted by Jenny at 5:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: remodel
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Saturday, March 8, 2008
I have report card grades to finalize and comments to make for all of the lovely darlings. How do you give a comment to a student who rolls their eyes at you constantly and goes on a tirade about hating school and teachers daily? Plus on top of all that I believe I am getting sick or the weather is taking a turn because my throat is strarting to ache and my nose is stuffy. Blah!
Posted by Jenny at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
And the winner is....
ME!!! Let me back up and start from the beginning....I heard a couple of weeks ago about this contest that Sunny 101.5 and the CW 25 had partnered up together to do a contest offering a day at the spa for a person and up to 10 guests. The only thing was that you had to do was watch Friends during the 7:00 hour and then answer a trivia question about that night's show and e-mail to the tv station. So for a week straight I e-mailed my daily answer, I think I even forgot a day.
Now fast forward to Tuesday (which was the day from hell at school), I get home and there is a message on my machine telling me that she hoped that I got my flier in the mail because I was one qualifer for the contest and the drawing was being held this Thursday. What!???!!! I didn't receive anything in the mail and then I started to wonder did I delete it when I emptied my e-mail trash or did I actually throw away a very important piece of mail! Frantically I call back the person and get an answering machine. So I left all of the vital information. Lucky enough for me the person sent me an email yesterday morning explaining what I needed to do. I had to show up at the broadcast between 4 and 6 PM and I would need to be present to win. There was also the chance to win prizes before the final drawing.
So today I breeze out of Plymouth at 3:15 only to make it up past the mall area into Granger at a place called Wine Down. This is a very posh kind of place and not one I would go to because I am not a wine drinker. So I arrive around 4 and tell the main person that I was there and then I proceed to grade my stack of papers. The tv person goes around and has everyone enter for the prizes before the main prize. The first name they draw out of the fish bowl is me! I won a $25 gift certificate to the wine place. I thought okay that is my winning streak for the day. I might as well finish grading these papers and then go home because there is no way in heck I would win a second time.
Needless to say when the drawing happened at 5:30, and guess whose name gets called a second time from the other 24 names in the fish bowl...ME!!!!!!!!!!!! I was estactic!!!! I now have in my possession a $1500 Spa Retreat package for me and up to 10 friends!! How awesome is that! I can select the day and we will have lunch catered in!! Yummy!!
The best part is that I can plan any day that I would like. So I am thinking about June. It would be a great relief to have the school year over and a great way to kick off the summer season!
My sisters have already told me that I am taking them!
Posted by Jenny at 9:53 PM 2 comments
Labels: contests
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Look out San Antonio!
We have finally booked our flight for my cousin's wedding over the 4th of July weekend. The plus side is that we found tickets for $180 roundtrip! How awesome is that! The even best part is that we leave straight out of South Bend and then switch in Detroit. We leave Thursday afternoon and arrive in San Antonio around 11 at night. Then we have the fourth of July to wander around San Antonio. Then the wedding is on Saturday. Then a quick second later it will be Sunday and we fly out in the afternoon. Now we just have the hotel rooms to book!
Posted by Jenny at 5:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: vacation