I just got back from the dentist and the right half of my face is very numb at the moment and I think I am drooling all over myself. How fun is that! When I got my teeth cleaned two weeks ago, I mentioned how I was cutting my tounge on a tooth and low and behold I am in the dentist chair today getting my chipped tooth filled in. So no longer do I have a chipped tooth and my smile is somewhat straight! I could however do without the numbness of it all.
Today was a very productive day in terms of school. Yuppers we went on President's Day because it was a snow make-up day. So that leaves only 6 more days to make up at the end of the year. Which means we are in school until June 2nd. Which really kills me because I usually work ND reunion weekend for the extra cash and this year I will not be able to because we are in school that Friday of Reunion. Blah! Oh course I could always work the children's program Friday evening and then Saturday from 8 am until midnight. But on second thought why do I want to put myself through that kind of torture!
I had two students absent today, so that meant I was left with my charming 11 students. So needless to say we got through the full schedule today and I was quite suprised. But I chalk it up to the fact that the students were tired because it was Monday morning (they didn't give much grief) and we have actually gone to school at 8 am for the past 5 school days!
I have a sub for the afternoon tomorrow because hubby gets to see the gastronologist. His CT turned up clean, but he is still not eating and his stomach cannot seem to settle itself down. He is nauseated for the most part of the day. So we shall see what the gastronolgist says. Lucky us!
I am now off to lay down because I got nauseated this afternoon after lunch. It took everything in me not to lose my lunch in front of the students during Religion. Uggh, I just hope I am not getting what is going around the school. Ick!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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