Oh yes I am beginning to think that I am not of sound mind. My sister moved back home with my parents until the other house that we are fixing up gets finished. So in the meantime she is selling the house that she bought so she is trying to clean it up. Well that includes the animals in the house need a place to go. Her dog went with her to my parents. So at the time being there are four dogs living at my parents, two inside and the two regular outside dogs. Rosie's three kitties have now taken up occupancy in my basement. So yes at the present time I have seven felines living in my house! I am a little afraid to let Rosie's kitties upstairs for the fear that my Jenni will beat up the the ones in the basement because she is my dominant female cat and it is HER house. Rosie's kitties are going to hopefully spend the next two months here at the Matchett household. My hubby is just happy he gets more cats. If it was up to him the entire house would be crawling with the four legged felines! I have to be the resonably one!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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