So I really should go to the gym and work out, but my ear is telling me otherwise. I have ended up with yet another ear infection. It came on Saturday night at the Halloween party I was at and then by the time I went to bed it was just throbbing. So on Sunday I went to the Urgent Care place yet again and the receptionist says I recognize you. Gee that's great when the Urgent Care people recognize you! So I do have a pretty ugly ear infection because the doctor said she couldn't recognize any landmarks in my ear. Gee there are landmarks in my ear! So I have a heavy duty does of antibiotics. The only good thing that could come out of this was that I did call my ear doc and I can still proceed with the surgery on Friday to get my stupid tube put back into my ear granted that my ear is not hurting me. I have plenty of faith in the lovely horse pills I am taking!
It was great to see Jen & Ezra, Amy & Brent, Rachelle & Mark, and the family, and Emily on Saturday afternoon. Too bad the bookstore wasn't open!! I then managed to run back home, make the apple pie drink for the Halloween Party later that night. The party was great on Saturday night. It was just beginning to get interesting, but Jay dragged me home because he didn't feel good. I made lots of cookies and cupcakes and my brother had me make a recipe for apple pie. It is a drink with Captain Morgan. I guess it turned out pretty good, I guess it needed more Captain though. Anyway here is the concoction:
1 gallon of apple cider
5th of Captain Morgan spice rum
1 cup of sugar
3 to 5 cinnamon sticks
Boil apple cider, sugar, and cinnamon sticks for 5 to 10 minutes. Let it cool down. Put the Captain Morgan in the empty gallon container and then add the apple cider. Put in the refrigerator and enjoy. However I recommend you make this a day before you actually want to drink it because it took forever for the concoction to cool down.
I lost a student today....well not actually lost but mom decided to move over the weekend to another town without telling anyone. The student's grandma showed up there on Saturday and there was a moving van in the driveway. The parents are in a midst of a very ugly divorce and I thought dad was getting custody. So it will be a long and ugly battle. I feel sorry for the student to be put in the middle of all of this. So now I have 13 students. Should be an interesting year!
So my dad had his MRI done today to make sure that the cancer has not spread. Because the two other tests that he had could not tell if it had spread to his hip or not. He will get the results on Wednesday and if everything is okay then they will proceed with surgery in the middle of November. My mom has decided if she can go through four c-sections my dad can do one prostate surgery and then they will have matching scars! So if you could send some prays his way I would appreciate it.
Well I think my ear is going win out and not partake in the working out exercises and I must now decide what I need to make for dinner. Chili sounds good even though I don't like the stuff. I don't understand, I just don't question my food choices anymore. I think I am growing up however my ear decided that it didn't want to because how many adults do you know that get tubes placed in their ears! Okay I'm done rambling. Have a wonderful night!!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
I can't wait until your ear is better!!!! How annoying. I'll be praying for your papa! He's the best.
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