Okay so I am joking, but it sometimes is nice to count things. Well the first day of school was great. I have a class of 8 girls and 6 boys. However 5 of the 6 boys I am going to have to sit on during the year because they are so hyper. One mom warned me about her son and said that his meds didn't kick in until 9:30ish and I would have my hands full until then and then she said good luck! Gee what a great introduction to her son! I had two girls that wanted homework and one girl that wanted to know if she could work in her new workbooks! Talk about ambition!!! I don't even think I was that ambitious at that age level.
I have the students fill out informatino about themselves and how their summer went and silly questions like that and then I take their picture and glue it on their page and viola a class book! It keeps the parents interested on parent's night. One of the questions that I have is what do you want to be when you grow up. I had one little girl say she wanted to be a thearpist! I guess that is real amibtion there. Another thing that is kinda sad is when the kids were writing down their birthdays the years were 1998, 1999. Gee I was graduating high school and beginning college. I don't know if I should be depressed or not!
So I was getting ready for day two and guess what we are cancelled for the day! There was a terrible storm that rolled through the area and I guess Plymouth got hit pretty hard and parts of the town has no power. Our school does have power, however some of the other elementary around town do not so rather than make the kids sit in the dark they get an extra day of summer vacation! Gee if we did one day on one day off school might be more interesting!
Oh well I now have time to find some very comfortable shoes because my feet are killing me and I am walking kinda funny because of that. I also have to get more bullentin board things and then I can relax and watch the newest series I am getting into...ROME!! At first I was a little unsure of the show because it is a little hard to follow but now that I am into it I love it! Plus the library had a copy so it is only 25 cents a day. Blockbuster wanted $3.99 a disc and they had five different discs with about three episodes on each. The library is the entire discs and for the low low price I cannot beat it! So I am saving money watching it!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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