After the dream I had this morning I think I should have stayed in bed. I was driving along in my dream and it was a beautiful sunny day and then all of a sudden out of nowhere there is the horrible winter weather with horrible streets and I was spinning out of control into oncoming traffic, but by that time I had woken up to realize that my alarm had been going off for an hour and it was 6:00 and I should have been out of bed twenty minutes ago.
School was okay besides the fact that the students are getting antsy because we have a short 11 days left! Eek! I have so much that I still need to cover but I really do not want to grade anymore. The red pen is done. So now I am assigning homework that is easy to grade and does not take a lot of reading. Easier on my eyes :-) Plus we teachers do get antsy also!
Oh and yesterday I was planting my garden while the little neighbor kids are playing baseball next door which wouldn’t be a problem but they have their trash all over my yard and they are taking my rocks from around the house and throwing them every which way they could. Then the two year old (maybe three at the most) is running around in my flowerbeds, pushing over Saint Francis, playing with my extended drain pipe. Then when I tell him no he gives me a nasty look and then picks grass and tries to throw it at me. Gee where are the parents you ask…inside while they let their 5 or 6 year old look after the 2 (maybe 3) year old. Great parenting skills if you ask me! Then I come home tonight and find my bird bath knocked over. I think it is time for a big ol’ privacy fence.
Also my grass is half cut because the lawn mower has decided that it wanted to give me less power to cut the grass. So it sounded like the dang thing was about to die and black smoke was puffing out of it. Gee I didn’t think that was good. So the grass on the right side of my house it cut while the grass on the left side of my house long. Guess I am going with the grass with the artistic touch!
Oh and today was my brother’s birthday and the family went out to eat at Olive Garden and just as I am about to lift my glass to take a sip and the entire bottom falls out! So I had to sit there and be sticky with Sprite dripping all over me. Gee that was the kicker of the day. I think I am going to crawl under the covers and pray for a pleasant dream tonight!
Oh wait the cat just threw up! Oh joy!!!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
What a day is right.....yeesh.
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